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  • Writer's picturefit4desire

A little Saturday action in the books!

5 min AMRAP

1 50' Hand Over Hand Sled Pull @90/45#

5 Deficit sHSPU 6/4"

10 Box Jump Overs @40/30"

-- rest 2 mins --

5 min AMRAP

10 BMU

20 Alt DB Snatch @70/50#

50' HSW

-- rest 2 mins --

5 min AMRAP

20 GHD Sit-ups

20 Alt Pistols

-- rest 2 mins --


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12 Min AMRAP

Give this one a try! 🎯 5 Rounds 12 Min AMRAP 🏋🏼‍♂️15 Hang Power Snatch (95/65#) 📦30 Box Jumps (24/20")


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